Sunday, 1 December 2013


It was a struggle to know what to do this year. Think R secretly wanted to go back to the spray can. I wanted to do something bigger and with more people involved. We decided upon neither of these things. The over abundance of street furniture does rather cry out to be beautified so we're planning 24 mini yarn/fabric bombs coming to a bollard near you. Or 25. We couldn't quite remember which we've done in the past. Somehow tonight doing a shiny Advent purple for One seems a bit 'late' now that the hoards from Chats Rd market have been and gone this first of December. 

Anyway. She talked about hope coming out of hard times and 12 year old birthdays. And maggots in Den and Eileen's carpet. This morning in Sunday school we talked about turning swords into ploughshares and spears into pruning hooks. And how many uses we could find for a wooden dagger. Advent. A waiting time. 

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