Monday 24 December 2018

25: The 1 to 24 tiny doors of hope bringers...

The 1 to 24 tiny doors of hope bringers
Knock, and we will make room.

By Mary

(Put up on Christmas Eve with Lotte in tow just outside where Jill used to live. With fond memories...)

For those of you who got this far - this is the poem Annabelle wrote for us, which inspired us to make these boxes this advent:

Now is the waiting time
The writing a list and making a wish time               
The 1 to 24 tiny door chocolate surprise time,       
And we are the ones who wait.

1. Waiting
We are the tree on the corner waiting for Spring      
We are the bookmaker’s regular waiting for a win  
We are the 308 waiters sharing a shelter,
Half-smiling at an upstairs neighbour.
We are the hopeful news awaiters
The job-hunters, the dooms-dayers
The ordinary soothsayers
We are all gazing at the stars.                       

2. Accepting
Me, you, us. Car, bike, bus.
Shop, café, flat
Memory, moment, chat.
This city, this home
This street, well known.
These paths we tread,
Be still, take a breath.         
See, listen, touch.
We miss so much.
Touch, listen, see,
Us, you, me.

3. Journeying
Come, now and you will feel the world turn.              
Day breaks and night falls
Despite all.
We are the journeying ones
The time travellers, on and on.
Step by step, from near and far             
We journey on, we follow our star.

4. Birthing
And unto us, a new beginning
The days fall away with the leaves
Autumn seeds buried under
Winter ground
Germinate as we celebrate
In the park at the end of the street 
Shoots of life start to peep.

Here are the waiters, the journey takers,
From East and West, the star seekers,
The 1 to 24 tiny doors of hope bringers
Knock, and we will make room.

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